Tuesday October 22nd/24

Answer to the Monday quiz – Pete Smith on his Bultaco at an Alberta trial. Brett, Bob, Harlow and Pete Varey got it. Interesting that Pete phoned me Sunday after not being in contact for many years. – He was a very good Trials rider on both two and three wheels (in the UK) –… Continue reading Tuesday October 22nd/24

Monday October 21st/24

Well,! it was a pretty quiet weekend for the old guy – feeling a bit “off color” and the weather certainly feeling like “Fall” so I just played couch potato – watched some old reruns of “Heartbeat” plus a wee bit of the F1 race from Texas (boring) We are looking forward to hearing about… Continue reading Monday October 21st/24

Sunday October 20th/24

Answer to the last quiz – Dave Thorpe on the CCM – correct guess’s from Pete Varey, Bob Clark , Brett Clark, Harlow and Walter Cukavac. Quiz today Who is this? ==================================== Awesome result from the ISDE for our Vet team – lets not forget that Mark Cahill was the Canadian #1 Trials rider a… Continue reading Sunday October 20th/24

Friday October 18th/24

Answer to the last quiz – Jim Sandiford – who was a long time UK Montesa Importer – died of cancer. – Bob got in first then Harlow & Brett. Quiz today. What engine is this? and what bike is it in? Please note! answers to the quiz – must be sent via email to… Continue reading Friday October 18th/24

Thursday October 17th/24

Answer to the last quiz – Michael Brown at Orgate Falls in last week’s Scott trial – he doesn’t compete much anymore but still goes well – Harlow got in first. Quiz today – who is this rider? ====================================== Video Cameras have come a long way !!! So we are now an official Trials Guru… Continue reading Thursday October 17th/24

Wednesday October 16th/24

While looking through old files for quiz pic etc – I came across these black & white prints of a series I took many years ago when we lived on the hill overlooking the Vernon airport – The local Sky divers all jumped, but one chute failed to open -(see top pic) – luckily the… Continue reading Wednesday October 16th/24

Tuesday October 15th/24

OK so we are now well and truly into the Fall season, with the Thanksgiving weekend done and some of the Classic Events like the Scott Trial in the history books – Also the BIG International Six Day Enduro goes this week in Spain – this is huge and we have to wonder where the… Continue reading Tuesday October 15th/24

Monday October 14th/24

We hope all our bloggers are enjoying the Thanksgiving weekend — –( not a great time for the Turkey’s) Answer to the last quiz Malcolm Rathmell on the Mont at Goldbar Washington in 1976 – I took Walt Healy with me to that event – Stan reported that five American riders finished well that day… Continue reading Monday October 14th/24

Sunday October 13th/24

Answer to the last quiz – Dave Thorpe riding in the Scott Trial – Bob and Brett both got it at exactly the same minute!! Quiz today – I took this pic of a rider at a US World round in 1976 – but who is it? Well it appears Jack Price is now a… Continue reading Sunday October 13th/24