Friday June 21st/24

Answer to the Thursday quiz – Chris Hrabb from Revvy on one of our Evo 200’s at a Trial in Alberta. – Chris was attending a Helicopter training event in the vicinity and stopped by for a ride, his first on a Beta 200. Brett Clark guessed it right except he thought the bike was… Continue reading Friday June 21st/24

Thursday June 20th/24

Answer to the last quiz – yes that is Crazy Steve Day – up at Squamish a few years ago !!! And a few people got that one Harlow was in first – then Stan and Jay Colley. Quiz for today – Who and where on what?????? hint he flies a Helicopter. ======================================= I saw… Continue reading Thursday June 20th/24

Wednesday June 19th/24

Birthday greetings today to our son Steven who turns 57 !!! – where did the time go?? – Here is a pic of Steve out riding with me a couple of years ago. Answer to the last quiz – Harry McKay at the Highland Classic trial a couple of weeks ago – Brett got in… Continue reading Wednesday June 19th/24

Tuesday June 18th/24

NOTE ! Yesterday we posted the wrong date!! Today is the 18th!! all fixed now. The Italian World Round was likely one of the best for quite some time, perhaps because of the natural terrain – with more traditional style sections – all this made for a more interesting “Spectator” event – this is a… Continue reading Tuesday June 18th/24

Monday June 17th/24

We hope everybody enjoyed the weekend especially if you had a Father’s Day celebration – A rather dull wet day in the Valley, but after all the fires we have experienced in previous years, I doubt anybody is complaining.. The answer to our last quiz was Steve Foord and Tino Marin – Quiz today who… Continue reading Monday June 17th/24

Sunday June 16th/24

Answer to the last quiz – Mick Andrews – Mick often rode different bikes in the Pre-65 Scottish plus of course also raced a lot of vintage Scrambles. – Our usual crew got it – Brett, Bob, Harlow & Pete Varey. Quiz today is a bit different – check out the people watching under the… Continue reading Sunday June 16th/24

Saturday June 15th/24

Answer to the Friday quiz #1 – Sean Bird when he was riding a Mountain MC – Beta – a pic I took of him at the Superstars. – Brett and Jay Colley got it quickly on this, followed by Bob ( who both quiz questions correct) Quiz #2 the minder is Harry McKay –… Continue reading Saturday June 15th/24

Friday June 14th/24

Answer to the Thursday quiz – Pascal Couturier – Bob Clark was the only correct response! Quiz today – name this rider ========================================== And another quiz – who is the guy at the back minding for his young son? Below is not a quiz – but you might wonder what these two old Trials buddies… Continue reading Friday June 14th/24

Thursday June 13th/24

Here are the results from last weekend in Ontario. -Lots of mud and quite a few DNF. But reports say it was a really good enjoyable Trial. =================================== Quiz today – Who is this Beta rider ? ================================ Seems like a few regular riders missed the Beta Trial at Ioco because they didn’t know it… Continue reading Thursday June 13th/24

Wednesday June 12th/24

As most people involved with Trials riding know – our sport has always been “Up & down” – especially in North America. – We have written before of why we think this trend happens especially in the 70’s – but somebody just posted the following article on FB which some may find interesting. A friend… Continue reading Wednesday June 12th/24