Monday January 1st 2024

We hope that all our readers had an enjoyable New Year’s Eve – we are sorry that our emails are not going through – We certainly wish everyone a great year ahead in whatever you do. – In our small Trials pond we will do our best to keep everybody both informed and supplied with… Continue reading Monday January 1st 2024

Friday December 29th/23

Answer to the Thursday quiz – Smilin’ Davy Fair !! – an easy one for most as Dave has been around the Motorcycle scene for a lot of years. – First correct was Cam Whiffing from Ontario. followed by Donny Rankin ! – Brett Clark & Bob – then Steve ORorke and Jay Colley &… Continue reading Friday December 29th/23

Thursday December 28th/23

The famous Welsh Prince. Owen Glyndwr. – He made life miserable for the English back in the day. =========================================== Hard to believe that this was the scene out our front window nine years ago !!! Today it’s more like Summer . ================================ Answer to the last quiz – Mick Andrews is 79 – We had… Continue reading Thursday December 28th/23

Tuesday December 26th/23

BOXING DAY. So do you all know why this day is called “Boxing Day” -?? We do hope you all had a joyful Christmas Day – We certainly did with our Family – As usual our Daughter Helen and Son in Law Grant really put on a wonderful meal and it was a really happy… Continue reading Tuesday December 26th/23

Monday December 25th/23

Merry Christmas everybody – We hope Santa was good to you all. Answer to the last quiz – John Lampkin – Yirjo Vesterinen – Colin Boniface – and Steve Saunders on the bike. – Brett was the only correct answer although a few were close. ======================================= We will catch up on more news tomorrow. as… Continue reading Monday December 25th/23

Sunday December 24th/23

Well ! it’s Christmas Eve and the last day for shopping!! – Sorry but if you had planned on doing that at Outlaw – We are closed now over the Holiday!! Ho Ho Ho !! Of course you can still click on here and try to guess our quiz for today ! Who are all… Continue reading Sunday December 24th/23