Friday December 22nd/23

With just a couple of more sleeps to go – Babsy & myself would like to wish all our Motorcycle friends a wonderful and happy holiday . As many of our readers know – Babsy has always been with me through all my motorcycle adventures ( We met in 1959 and were married in 1962)… Continue reading Friday December 22nd/23

Thursday December 21st/23

Answer to the Wednesday quiz – Both John Hartle and Geoff Duke were very good Trials riders the other person is Derek Minter also known as “The King of Brands” as he was hard to beat at Brands Hatch road race circuit. – As I’ve mentioned before – Duke was originally hired by Norton to… Continue reading Thursday December 21st/23

Wednesday December 20th/23

With Christmas only 5 days away – time to remind our readers that there are some super deals to be had on both Beta and TRS 2023 Trials bikes that are left in the warehouse – for full details call us at (250) 545-6139 – ( Note limited models available) We have this really nice… Continue reading Wednesday December 20th/23

Tuesday December 19th/23

Answer to the Monday quiz – rider is Harry McKay at Fruitvale BC where we had a couple of Trials on Dave Griffin’s land – rider in the background is Neil Mandeville who died suddenly a few years ago he was from Summerland. ( He was also our Dentist) The day that pic was taken… Continue reading Tuesday December 19th/23

Monday December 18th/23

So here we are on the last week of Christmas Chaos!! glad to see the weather forecast is looking good for most of us – Don’t forget we have lots of nice Wulf gear for that favorite Trials rider in your life. Answer to the Sunday quiz – Our gal Katie Mcg – and she… Continue reading Monday December 18th/23

Sunday December 17th/23

Harry Hemingway won the Christmas Trial yesterday with his Beta Team mate and brother George finishing 2nd – Here is a great shot by Neil Sturgeon. of Harry – The Observer is still showing him on a “Clean” Another Beta pic that just cropped up on FB – it shows me with a new Evo… Continue reading Sunday December 17th/23

Saturday December 16th/23

As noted on the Friday blog – We did make a mistake with “Jack’s” last name – corrected pretty quick thanks to Bob Clark’s eagle eye . Who is the Alberta Trials rider, doing a bit of Cross Country racing? Answer to the Friday Quiz – Roger Boothroyd from Victoria – Turk was the only… Continue reading Saturday December 16th/23

Friday December 15th/23

Answer to the Thursday quiz – Michael Brown, – James Dabill – Alexz Wigg and Jack Sheppard Only Peter LeGrove from Australia got all of the riders correct – ( Seems he know ‘s Jack Sheppard) – Note sorry for earlier mistake corrected for me by Bob Clark. QUIZ TODAY – Who is this rider… Continue reading Friday December 15th/23