Friday August 9th/24

Guess who!! Answer to the last quiz – our own Sparky Bill at the Scottish – Brett & Bob were onto this quickly. ================================ Yes we supplied the Wulf gear for this. – Please support. ================================== Yesterday we spent a nice day up in the Shuswap, where our Daughter has a summer vacation home on… Continue reading Friday August 9th/24

Thursday August 8th/24

We saw this very sad news on FB yesterday about our great friend Ron Perrott – We got to know Ron and his family back in 1973 when I first joined Yamaha Canada. – Over the years we shared some wonderful times on my regular visits and also on trips including a memorable one to… Continue reading Thursday August 8th/24

Wednesday August 7th/24

Although Babs and myself arrived in Canada in 1965 – I did not get interested in the Motorcycle scene until much later – I had been told that the only competitions held were hill climbs and the bikes had chains on the back tires!! I took up fishing instead. – That was until one day… Continue reading Wednesday August 7th/24

Tuesday August 9th/24

We hope everybody had an enjoyable long weekend – – We got a message and some video from Harry McKay in Scotland – He sent this pic from last May when he helped set up the SSDT – He told us he bought the Vertigo as they were going cheap and usually rides his Fantic… Continue reading Tuesday August 9th/24

Monday August 5th/24

Here we are on the last day of the long weekend, and we have hardly been out of the house. This is of course due to the extreme heat and obviously no riding. We did take in more of the Olympics – some quite good coverage and I enjoyed watching both the swimming and the… Continue reading Monday August 5th/24

Sunday August 4th/24

An interesting notice regarding this event as the club always host really good Trials. Richmond Motor Club is at Coverdale.   · Leyburn, United Kingdom  ·  CANCELLED THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED DUE TO LACK OF RIDERS ====================================== Yesterday we posted pics about small two Stroke Trials models, and it prompted me to think about the current trend in machinery… Continue reading Sunday August 4th/24

Saturday August 3rd/24

Answer to the Friday quiz a young Nigel Birkett on a small Suzuki – these bikes promoted by Peter Gaunt were quite popular for a while. – before the Spanish Amada took over. Below is Mart Lampkin on one. ( All pics by Deryk Wylde) And here is Peter on one of his creations. Correct… Continue reading Saturday August 3rd/24

Friday August 2nd /24

Yes the long weekend is here – not sure what they call this one? maybe just ” The Hotty” Answer to the last quiz – that was Mart Lampkin grass tracking —– ( unusual) – Bob, Brett , Harlow and Stan all got it. Quiz today – Who on what? and where? ====================================== This is… Continue reading Friday August 2nd /24

Thursday August1st/24

Hard to believe it’s August already and not much riding, due to the Forest Fires – I see the Alberta Dirty Moose Cross Country has been postponed because of this. We have been keeping in touch with our friends in the various Fire zones and glad to report so far so good – Julie sent… Continue reading Thursday August1st/24

Wednesday July 31st/24

Answer to the last quiz – Brian Stonebridge who was so tragically killed in a car crash – A former BSA Factory rider we saw him racing a super modified 150cc BSA Bantam at Hawkstone park in 1955 – it was fitted with an expansion chamber exhaust first developed for road racing ( I think… Continue reading Wednesday July 31st/24