Well Outlaw Trials fans, we hope you are now all getting used to our new format – they say change is good, but I’m not so sure of that it certainly makes things difficult sometimes.
The answer to the Thursday quiz – was Craig (Taff) Parfitt – we were surprised that only a couple of people got that one. -Jeesh I thought more would have recognized our Welsh buddy.
Quiz today – name this rider >>>>

Today we have the sad news that long time Industry enthusiast and former MX rider Wally Levy passed away suddenly from a heart attack while visiting friends for the Halloween weekend – he is seen here taking a ride shortly before this happened. We knew Wally for many years and he was always involved with the Motorcycle shows.
Our sincere condolences go out to his family and friends.

A couple of days ago, we posted a link on our FB page of a neat video featuring Mick Andrews on his Classic James competing in a Trial where he won with only “One Dab” – Well back in 1992 – I had the pleasure of chatting to Mick about this bike, in Scotland -which he had just competed on the day before (and won) – Mick said I could take it for a “Putt” around the car park – but with so much going on, I decided against it. – It was a neat bike with a few “Hidden” Yamaha parts.

How about this old style muddy “Scrambles” track – no wonder a lot of Trials riders did well at this. In fact in the UK the BBC used to show a TV Winter series which with all the mud was pretty entertaining.
