QUIZ TODAY – Might be a bit hard – so I will give you a hint – He Has been the Champ in the South of England for many years riding various bikes – the last one being that Scorpa with the funny gas tank – He has just come out of retirement and will ride a Beta.

Answer to yesterday – The great Mike Hailwood riding a Trials Greeves – a few got this of course John Kitch was first in from the UK as he was 8 hours ahead – Harlow and Pete Varey also got it – Mike the Bike rode the Scottish ( I think) not sure if he finished.
Below is a pic of a JCM rider at the Scottish Six Day – caption says it’s 1988 but I suspect it was 1989 because that was the year I was there and met with the Streit/JCM guys & arranged to import their new bike – We only ever managed to get one before they suddenly shut down. Stan rode it for us, but it had an underpowered (GG engine) – Although he did win a Trial first time out at Ioco.

Christmas is coming and we have all our Wulf riding gear on special
buy early to get the best selection – call for pricing on Helmets, Boots, Pants -Shirts – we also have a small/med jacket going cheap.

A report from Michael Traves
Well, I did make time to attend almost all of the NATC meeting along with Christy. I will say sitting on a zoom call half of Friday and all day Saturday (10 to 6:45 my time) was a bit more free time than I had available. I wasn’t able to attend Sunday but Christy did attend (5:00 am her time) and my understanding was it was only a few hours as most of the weekend’s topics (around 30) had already been discussed. These sorts of things are a huge commitment and have a new appreciation for all that Christy has done with her work with the NATC over the years to represent Canada.
I will say I was super impressed with the way the NATC is run and the sheer number of volunteers that are willing to do all that they do to make sure there is a strong National series and TdN team. The Next Gen effort is also a huge effort and will be interesting to follow. In addition to these efforts there is a real focus on how to increase the interest in trials as a sport in NA, these are true Trials enthusiast that have a passion for the sport and put in the time and effort to make a difference.
Everyone was very favorable about doing a FIM NA Championship and most were surprised that I had such a hard time pulling it off (and ultimately failed) last year. Should be much easier this year now that we know who the right people are to talk to. It will most likely be a combination of the NATC round in California (date and location still tbd) and our National (date and location still tbd but preferably in the West this year) the NATC schedule can be found here: Schedule (mototrials.com)
As I had discovered in July the FIM NA is actually a different body than the FIM and it supports multiple riding disciplines through the AMA (American) and CMA (Canadian) organizations. Apparently, they have some funds available for the TdN team that we were not fully aware of how to apply for (for the last 20 years) – Who knew… luckily a member at the NATC meeting knew and has offered to send a cheque along (for 2022 and 2023) which will be greatly appreciated for 2024 !!!
It was also great to meet the organizers behind TdN Team USA. The whole US team were a huge help to the Canadian team and great ambassadors for the US ! They were really great this weekend with offering to continue to help us in any way they can – this sort of support goes a very long way and is greatly appreciated.
Overall I was very happy I attended – got some great ideas, a commitment for the FIM NA Championship and some cash for our TdN team – It won’t pay any bills at my house and ended up with me not having time to ride our last trial event of the year… but it was well worth it .
On the local front we did have our final event on Sunday it was 24c on Saturday but cooled down to very nice 15c for Sunday. I was disappointed that I wasn’t able to attend but family always comes first !
Keep your feet on the pegs !