Of course a lot of the younger generation won’t know who Guy Fawkes was – unless they come from the UK – so just for the record – he was the chap who planned to blow up the British Houses of Parliament back in the day. Some folks might think that would be a great idea for Canada sometimes.!!
Last night I clicked onto You Tube and watched some of the videos – first one of Danny Butler’s tapes on “Trial Tube” I find these quite entertaining, and while you need to remember that he is not going o say anything really bad about any of the bikes he tests – he is what I would term a fairly “Straight shooter”.
Try this link!
Next up I watched a British Championship round – and it occurred to me that while all of us older guys totally understand the scoring system – for the average person or “Joe Public” – the sport of Trials must seem very strange – and what really is the object?
Now obviously the modern type of Hop & bop events are completely different, from the days of the past when the sport originated in England about a 100 years ago. – Yes these new lads and lasses are brilliant – but sorry to say – unless you are a real enthusiast – most people would switch over and watch something else after a couple of minutes. AND they would say ” Well I could never do that”
Did I mention that there is also no money in it !! unless you happen to be Toni Bou. – BUT for most of the regular “Clubmen” -die-hards out there, there really could not be a better way to spend a weekend – especially if the Trials event also includes a “Camp out” -A great way to enjoy a family weekend.
For many people – Trials riding and being involved is a “way of life” below is a pic of Mick Andrews still out at vintage events encouraging younger riders.

Answer to the Saturday quiz – American rider Lane Leavitt on a Bultaco Sherpa T – correct answers from Brett, Harlow and Stan.
QUIZ Who is this rider ?

This is an interesting pic from the weekend Xtrial – Tony Bou and Gabriel Marcelli ( both Team Honda riders) watching British rider Toby Martyn – who was brilliant on the Honda UK bike grabbing 3rd spot on the night. – Amazing when you consider he broke two bones in his back at that Outdoor round earlier this year. – Toby won the Trial 2 World Championship the year before on a Steve Saunders sponsored TRS. – No doubt Toby will now be on Team Hondas “Shopping list”
