As mentioned in an earlier post – we have got all our Wulf Trials gear on sale for the month of November – Below you see two pair Wulf kids trials boots ( special ordered & never picked up) these would normally sell for close to $300 – SALE PRICE $60 per pair – Almost free!!! sizes 28 euro and 32 euro

We saw this pic posted from the Nanaimo Trial of one of the neat sections they had – It was also reported that they had a very good rider turn out, and raised over $600 for MS – a worthy cause – Well done.
It appears they are a fairly new but very active club which is nice to see.
Nanaimo Gasholes Trials Club
Rick Whiting · ·
Trial at the VMC November 26 2023
I’ll be going. Cheers

A blast from the past riding up a quite large step on the big monster 350 Gasser at Bear Creek – Barry is watching!! – Yes I held on to the brute.

Quiz for today – name the rider !!

Answer yesterday – Malcolm Rathmell in TT Leathers suit – Brett -Harlow got this all correct as did Mark ONeill – John Kitch and Pete Varey got Rathmell – We Imported a few of those red & yellow suits back in the day – John Kitch remembered it was a guy by the name of Len Thwaites that made them. Interesting side note – I was wearing the jacket when I had the big accident in the 1979 Cross Country race & cut my thumb off – I used the belt as a tornique !! around my arm -as I walked the 14 miles out of the bush.!!
Congrats to Julie who was presented with a nice plaque from the Crowfoot Snowmobile club -after 25 years of dedicated service. As most of our regular Trials riders know – Julie has been a big part of our Results Team at all the Shuswap Trials , and along with hubby Martin continue to promote the sport of Trials.
