Well TRS have made it official – they have signed Aniol Gelabert for the next three seasons, to replace Adam Raga – Here is Jordi shaking hands with the new lad. – While it will be interesting to see how the new recruit makes out, we can’t help but feel for Adam Raga, who was let go in not what might be said was not the best way. ( Although of course we don’t know what went on behind closed doors)

We do think that Jordi is looking ahead in the right direction by promoting events ( and maybe money) into the kids market.
As noted before all these models are available by special order

Answer to the Monday quiz – Bernie Schreiber at 14 years old – first in was Pete Varey – then Brett followed by Harlow. – Bob Clark also remembered that the bike was supplied by Steve’s Bultaco. – Kevin Couves also got it correct.
Quiz today – Who can name all these riders ?

Emily posted a video on FB yesterday of a fun day they had riding at Ross Rathbones property on Saturday – Quite a lot of snow which made log hopping tricky. – Katie was also there – so we hope to get some pics later. ( We also copied the video to our Face book profile page) As most people know – Ross has a wonderful Tent set-up for Winter riding – just give him a call if you would like to check it out.
Monday was definitely a “Snow day” in the Valley – pretty much on & off all day – Fortunately we can choose to stay home on days like this, now we no longer travel around the countryside calling on dealers. However we can tell you that we did have a lot of “White knuckle” days over a 30 year stretch.
Although we have been out riding in the snow many times over the past few decades – in fact the very first Trial that I rode in Canada was on a snowy day at Blackfoot Park in 1971 -on a Greeves 175 Pathfinder – It can be a lot of fun and helps with throttle control – However – We now leave this to the younger crowd.

We have always found the Beta Trials bikes to be very good in the snow – while the worst ones we had were the 2002 Sherco models.
Below is me up above Bear Ridge back a few years, on a Beta Rev 3.

And below is another Bear Ridge pic – this taken on December 19th 2008. – Look – NO SNOW.
