Yesterday we mentioned that Jordi and TRS will be doing more promoting for the young kids in 2024 – and this poster put out by Yamaha back in the 1970’s – really proved that the Japanese Factory were listening back then – there is no doubt that a whole new generation of Trials riders got their first taste of Trials on the TY 80 – I remember chatting to Mick Andrews about this approach – Yamaha a family affair !! TY 250 for Dad- TY 175 for Mom and TY 80 for junior.
We firmly believe that this idea is the way for future success both with Family enjoyment and Trials bike sales.

The other “Old fashioned” thing we had back in the day ( After the weekly Motorcycle papers) was in the UK the Junior Kickstart TV Trials – then everybody was watching VHS videos put out either for training or a way to watch big Trials events over the winter on your TV. – I would like to mention that while we do now enjoy a lot of Hi-tech coverage on You Tube etc – perhaps the best clips to watch are put out by Danny Butler and Trial Tube. ( plus he’s a funny guy)
I came across this pic while searching my files – The article inside covered Alberta Trials – I think I may have taken the pic of John Whitby and Andie Lakie while we were out searching for sections in the Forestry area South West of Calgary

Quiz – Who is this ??

Answer to the Tuesday quiz – Malcolm Rathmell – Mick Andrews- Lane Leavitt & Debbie Evans – Only Bob Clark got this one !!