Quiz – Who what bike – where? – hint an Alberta pic which I took in 1970.

Answer to the Wednesday quiz – Steve McQueen – Brett-Harlow- Pete Varey -Cam Whiffing -all got it , plus Greg Raybeck and Peter from OZ. – It was reported that McQueen hid himself away in the desert as he was dying from cancer. Thanks to all who enjoy these Quiz pics.
The mild weather continues in the Valley !! hopefully it will last so we can get all our Opti snowmobile oil delivered.
Here is a pic of snow on the ground for a Victoria BC Trial from 1958 – (supplied by Roger Boothroyd) Some well known names listed.

While unlike some dealers, we do not have a bunch of left over bikes to sell – we do have info on a few available at the Wholesale level – Plus of course Super deals on Wulf Clothing – Boots – Helmets etc – We ship across Canada so email or phone us if you need more info – – ( We understand the Trials market)
We have often said that Trials is not a spectator sport – but it is for Trials enthusiasts – take a look at this crowd watching Thierry Michaud taking the Fantic to another win in Scotland.

Roger Boothroyd has just put out his last VMC Newsletter for 2023 – as always, he posted some interesting stuff – you can check it out on the VMC website.
While most people who click onto this site know – I’m not much of a “Hi-Tech” guy – but one of the things the computer age plus things like Face book have done for old folks like me, is enable us to contact old friends from the past. We recently were able to do this with one of the people from our old hometown in the UK, who was active in the Motorcycle club we belonged to, Brian is only a couple of years younger than myself, so we have been able to catch up on a lot of news – sadly most of the lads that I used to know and ride with, have passed on ( most younger than myself)
Ironically I have a brother who lives in the same town who has just turned 90, but we never communicate as he is not on ‘The web” and does not email etc. Fortunately Babsy was able to catch up with a lot of these people when she visited the UK last year with my daughter & Son in law, so we do have a lot of photographs.
(I have not been back to the UK since 2003 when my mother died)