Saturday December 9th/23

Answer to the Friday Quiz – The Kelowna pic was taken in 1930

Not surprisingly – nobody got this (Ha Ha)


This pic was taken on Friday December 8th – 2016 – the view from our back porch – but it could have been 2023 – because the weather has been fantastic for the past couple of days – really good as I had to make deliveries first to Sicamous – then to Kelowna.


Below is a pic of the original Beta Factory – Yes they have been around for a very long time – in fact we have been selling Beta now for 30 years. – ( We love these Trials bikes even though they really need some updating)


I met a guy at the Gas Station yesterday – who saw my van and asked what Beta Racing was ? – Well after I explained ( his name is Dino) he said he had about 20 vintage bikes including one very old Yamaha and this is a pic of it. – Can anybody guess the Year of this bike?

Here is a more interesting quiz – who are these guys ?


Bit late getting to the blog today – looking out the office window, I don’t see any snow – But the sky looks full of it.


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