As we will likely have a lot of snow pics to post in the next few months – I thought I would show these from an August day in the Mountains a few years ago – this was one of our first climbs up to the 8,00ft Summit of Joss Mountain – the top pic shows us hiking back down from the lookout – I’m in the yellow jacket – the bottom one shows the lads all standing by my Beta Rev 3 – which was the bike that got the farthest up that last ridge. – It shows Taff and Mark – plus Paul still hiking up – Sadly the guy in the red jacket from the USA committed suicide the following year.

This is the Ossa that I gave Jimmy Corkle a few years ago – I wonder what happened to that? It was an Explorer model which I adapted into Trials mode – including a Beta front fender. Check out that god awful kickstart lever that Ossa had – a leg gouger for sure.

Below is an early story about Jeff Smith -A brilliant rider and still alive as far as we know, he moved to the USA after he became involved with the Can Am project.

Answer to the Wednesday quiz – tough unless you rode Okanagan Trials a few years ago – Luke Towers seen riding one of the obstacles that Barry built for a demo we did at Vernon Yamaha back in the day.
Only Brett Clark got that.
QUIZ – Who can name all these riders ???

Below are some old results from a US National – a few familiar names in there – quite a few Beta’s.

Seems like I’ve been riding Evo 200’s for ever – just came across another old pic. ( And yes we have a brand new one in the shop!!)
