Answer to the Thursday quiz – Michael Brown, – James Dabill – Alexz Wigg and Jack Sheppard Only Peter LeGrove from Australia got all of the riders correct – ( Seems he know ‘s Jack Sheppard) – Note sorry for earlier mistake corrected for me by Bob Clark.
QUIZ TODAY – Who is this rider in a snowbank???
PLEASE NOTE – We are experiencing some issues with our email if you have been trying to post – try calling us on our land line 250-545-6139.

One of my favorite bikes this immaculate Beta Alp – Why oh why did I sell it?? ( seen here without the regular seat)

It’s that time of the year when we all tend to remember old friends – and as we get older – unfortunately we have lost a lot – many before their time – Below is a pic of Bob Work and myself at the Edmonton Canadian Motorcycle Hall of Fame when both Bob and Stevie Baker were inducted. – Bob ( Bo) and myself became quite good friends during my Yamaha years, he would sometimes ask me to spy on what other manufacturers were up to – especially with snowmobiles – He conned me into testing them sometimes. – Above all , I remember Bob as a “Prankster” he was always pulling some kind of stunt especially at Yamaha Dealer shows. Without a doubt, Bob will be remembered for the ace tuning he did on the Stevie Baker bikes.

And what a great loss we had this year – Jimmy Corkle passed away almost without any of his friends knowing – What a sad thing that was -I kept phoning but got no answer – It was only when Jacek stopped by and found the place boarded up that we got to know. ( Jimmy had a brother living next door)
Jimmy and I became friends when he worked for the Honda dealer in Fernie – and although he was a Harley rider – he asked me about Trials – and the outcome of this, was that Jimmy and his buddy Fergie came out to the first ever Outlaw Trial held at Summerland in 1987. It was at this event that Jimmy showed us his latest invention ! – a tether switch !! However the idea he had of fastening this to his jersey resulted in a lot of “5’s” – Yes he was way ahead of his time with this.
I would call on Jimmy over the years – often riding Rabbit mountain just behind his place in Elko BC – Suffice to say that I could write a book on my close relationship with Jimmy – He was without doubt one of the best “Brains” when it came to solving problems with Motorcycles I will really miss him.

Of course we lost many others including my elder brother in the UK – he was a real RAF type guy and they wanted to do a fly past at his funeral, but it seems the Vulcan bomber they were going to use had a mechanical – Don rode Trials with me back in the UK during the late 1950’s – On his 75th birthday he was taken for a trip in a RAF Tornado Fighter jet – going through the sound barrier – the pilot was a former cadet taught by my brother. ( Don seen here on the right was 92)

Other really good Motorcycle people we have lost in the last couple of years – Al Perrett, Wally Levy, Larry McKenzie and others.
We will remember them.
Perhaps this is one of the best quotes we have seen recently. It shows Irish Actor Liam Neilson who lost his wife in a Skiing accident.

Well yesterday was certainly a “Snow day” in Vernon – I posted a pic that showed the view on this day a few years ago out back. – On Thursday you could not see across Swan Lake – Naturally the news was full of crash pics ! – ( When will they ever learn) This was out back on Thursday – No doubt Roy got his share on the other side of the Valley.

So here is my last thought – Will Adam Raga be the new guy at Gas Gas to ride their Electric bike??