As noted on the Friday blog – We did make a mistake with “Jack’s” last name – corrected pretty quick thanks to Bob Clark’s eagle eye .
Who is the Alberta Trials rider, doing a bit of Cross Country racing?

Answer to the Friday Quiz – Roger Boothroyd from Victoria – Turk was the only correct response – ( but he lives close by)
We have just got word that the first shipment of 2024 TRS Trials bikes have arrived in Vancouver – limited supply especially estart models, so if you are interested – give us a shout – Same applies for 2024 Beta Evo’s – You snooze – you lose!! – HEADS UP – We still have a few super deals on both 2023 Beta and TRS models – In fact We have one such Super deal going out today and the customer is driving in from EDSON – ALBERTA !!! Wake up Trials fans – we stock most stuff for Trials and ship everywhere in Canada. – If you are into Trials “Buy from a Trials dealer” – they understand the sport.
( Note ! Please don’t show up on Christmas Eve unless you have something special for the Outlaw Santa!!)
Hard to believe that this pic of Jordi with the new water cooled Beta zero was taken in 1989 !! – We were at the Scottish that year to see it first hand – unfortunately the really bad weather which had the moor crossings at their very worst, and mud plugged the rad on the new bike causing it to overheat, so it was out after only two days.
Lots changed after that – lessons learned plus Jordi has since lost his hair.
It was at that event, that I was standing at a section with my daughter Helen, when Mick Andrews came walking up – we were quite close, so I said “How you doin’ Mick” – He came over and said ” Are you lost” – nice to say we shared some time later with Mick and Jill.

Here is Jordi’s TRS French Importer Phillipe Berlatier showing off the new 2024 model to a few riders at a recent event. – Looks like he has the same sort of showroom as us!!!!

So with this mild weather in the OK Valley, I wonder how many of our Trials riders will be venturing out !! I always enjoyed hosting a Boxing day Trial when weather permitted – but not sure how many hardy enthusiasts we still have out there? Back in Jolly Old England/Wales – The boxing day Trial was always a huge hit for locals because it always started at a Pub!!! Needless to say some took it more serious than others.
I’m sure it has not gone unnoticed that we have had a bit of a “splurge” of lady riders in BC this past year – and obviously we are delighted to see this – Perhaps this pic will surprise a few to learn that the female sex has been well represented at the Scottish Six Day Trial from a very long time ago. -This pic is from 1952 and the bike is a rigid frame BSA Bantam.
