Harry Hemingway won the Christmas Trial yesterday with his Beta Team mate and brother George finishing 2nd – Here is a great shot by Neil Sturgeon. of Harry – The Observer is still showing him on a “Clean”

Another Beta pic that just cropped up on FB – it shows me with a new Evo 200 back in 2013 at Bear Creek – ( No snow) We have had at least one Evo 200 every year since they started building them and have a brand new one sitting in the shop. – I just watched an old video of me riding up a very steep hill section at Yankee Flats (clean) – with big bore bikes laying by the wayside after failed attempts.
Yes they really are a “Giant Killer” and often overlooked by people who think a small capacity bike does not have enough power.
( I know Emily just loves here new Evo 200 – even talking about putting a slow throttle on it)

Yesterday we had a visit with Jon Kirkham from Edson Alberta- ( via the UK) Now Jon bought a TRS Xtrack from us a couple of years ago and has kept in touch ever since – He has been trying desperately to get a buddy to buy a Trials bike – but other things seemed to crop up – Well last week – Buddy” says he is going to buy a Trials bike !! but is talking about one of these super duper Gasser deals in Edmonton. ! For Jon this was a final straw ! so he made him a deal on his TRS and then drove all the way down to Vernon and bought our demo 250.
Here he is – the smile says it all – What a prince of a guy he is.

We should add that like all our demo bikes – this one was perfect – very little use because of the Forest fires, plus it came with the Xtrack kit.
Thinking of trying to get a ride in the Scottish Six Days ? Check this out – Stan told me that it was getting expensive – – On top of these entry fees – you have to add Insurance !! ( new) plus bike rental, and air fare, plus hotel etc. It’s the biggest and best Trial in the World – but for overseas riders not getting any Government funding – It is a real commitment –

The pic below is taken approx 12 miles from where Babsy and myself grew up the place is Llangollen – ( Pronounced in Welsh – Thlangothlin) – I rode a lot of Trials in this area – plus Babs and myself climbed up to the Castle you can see on the upper left side – it was called “Crows Castle)

Answer to the last quiz – The rider is Murray Nutt ( pic by Harlow) Correct responses came from Randy McBee and Walter Kukavac.
Quiz today!! Who is this Young lady?