So here we are on the last week of Christmas Chaos!! glad to see the weather forecast is looking good for most of us – Don’t forget we have lots of nice Wulf gear for that favorite Trials rider in your life.

Answer to the Sunday quiz – Our gal Katie Mcg – and she was the first one in to recognize the pic that I took of her at the last Trial held at Ross ‘ place. Roger Boothroyd was 2nd in with the correct response
QUIZ Who is the rider – where is this water section? and who is the rider in the background waiting to ride? ( Hint this last rider fell in the water and drowned his TR34)

Jon Kirkham sent us this pic of his new TRS safe in the Motel room in Clearwater on route back to Edson Alberta – we don’t blame him for not wanting to leave it on the back of the truck ( note the fly swatter!! don’t recall ever seeing one of those in any Motel we stayed in over 30 years on the road!!)

I saw this pic posted of a very old Magazine cover which lists the all new 1974 Yamaha TY 250 – As most of our readers know we had one of the first ( reported in an earlier blog)

Below is a pic that I took of Mick at Blackfoot Park in 1974 – I had the job of putting on a promotion to show off the new Trials bike – I remember I carted a bunch of rocks from down by the rail road tracks to build sections in the Sand pit. We had a great crowd out that day and Mick did a good job showing off the new bike ( actually it was Bobby T’s bike)

Here is a write up on that new TY Yam – which outlined all the similar features it had to the Ossa that Mick had also designed. – Obviously as with all new bikes, a few things needed updating – bash plate – narrower side cases – etc, but what most people raved about at the time was “It had good brakes” – Yes prior to that anybody who rode a Spanish bike was quite familiar with the non-existent brakes after a water section – most (including me) fitted a decompressor to help with this problem – remember back in the day – bikes had big heavy flywheels and were set up with the throttle to close completely ( no tick over) and we rarely ever used the clutch.

Also listed in this mag – is a test on a Rokon Automatic, and that reminded me of when Husqvarna brought one out in the 1980’s I think it was Terry Cunningham who rode one in the USA Enduro events – so in 1985 when I was involved with Kelowna Yamaha, we took on Husqvarna as a second line ( Steen was still the Importer)
Back then Wednesday night rides were popular and I took one of these new bikes out to demo – I recall that it felt quite light and handled very well, but the one thing you had to remember was if you failed to make it up a steep hill !! – this bike would slide back down very quickly – no gearbox to hold it if you stalled. – I explained this to one local hot shot rider, but of course he paid no attention -SO it was a quick trip for him sliding back down the first hill he tried – much to the amusement of our group. – Like a lot of new inventions, this model wasn’t around long.
We just got our new 2024 Calendars which we always order via FB – However this year can’t say I’m too impressed with the way they have cut off a lot of the pics!! However at least it shows a nice pic of Gord Rinke on the January cover.

This is the one they cut off !! The last Cross Country race I was in – The Trophy is the Danny Amor Memorial Trophy.

Check out this old pic of Kelowna – before the bridge and Ferries ran across to the Westside – Yes that is ice -!!!

Birthday Greeting to our buddy Mike Phillips who turns 56 today