With just a couple of more sleeps to go – Babsy & myself would like to wish all our Motorcycle friends a wonderful and happy holiday .

As many of our readers know – Babsy has always been with me through all my motorcycle adventures ( We met in 1959 and were married in 1962) – I would mention that not once has she asked me to quit – even after some fairly serious racing accidents, one of which also involved our son Steven – She has chatted to many of you in recent years over the phone, being quite knowable about Trials, and in earlier years, could be seen out at Trials and Cross Country races -taking photographs.
Also at this time I would mention that we are only involved in the Sport of Trials, because we absolutely love it – it’s been in my blood since I was a teenager – When we came to Canada in 1965, I found the Motorcycle scene quite different and it was only after some time, that things got to be more like the European way that I was familiar with.
When I joined Yamaha Canada in 1973 – my first boss was Trev Deeley and we hit it off pretty good – Trev’s motto was “I don’t care what you ride – as long as you ride” – That my friends has also been my way as well – obviously we will do our best to get you on one of the bikes we sell and promote – but at the end of the day – it’s your choice and we will try to help everybody that wants to try “TRIALS”
The answer to the last quiz was – Steve Richardson – Taff is watching and the Trial was held at Greenstone Mountain. – Only Brett got everything correct – perhaps because he was at that event. – It was Krash Crumly that helped me set up the Trials we held at that venue just North West of Kamloops – We elected to move from Summerland – when Pete and myself saw a Fish Cop in the area, practicing with his handgun !!!! – The Greenstone Mountain area turned out to have some really good variety – with creek and rock sections all first class. The only downside was that the area was also used by the Enduro crowd and while we have no bad feelings towards anybody that rides ( been there done that) the Campsite really did not work well for both groups.
We had a long Chat to our Beta Importer yesterday – understandably – he has been on a bit of a “downer” regarding the sale of Trials bikes this year. – However, I was able to explain that Trials has always been an up & down sport in North America – for example the Yanks told the Japs that Trials was going to be Huge !! just like Moto Cross. !!!
As we all now know all the Japanese factories jumped into the market with most hiring English riders to promote this new sport ( for them) it had already been around in the UK since 1908.- At Yamaha Motor Canada I was the guy that came up with the sales projections for the new TY 250 and while I remember even then being a tad optimistic – South of the border they had no idea and ordered thousands.
Now one thing that everybody had overlooked at this time, was that Trials bikes had a seat – and they could used for what the Yanks called “Cow trailing” – What I told our Canadian Japanese was that only 60% of all the Trials bikes we would sell, would ever be used in Competition – the rest would be used for ( in Canada) Trail riding.
As the History books will say – my speculation was correct and soon all the other Japanese Factories dropped out of the Trials market. – Except for one!! Honda had also built a few bikes with the help of Sammy Miller but they also wanted to sell their Scooters in Spain !!! Which at that time was not allowed by a foreign Country the Answer !!! buy Montesa !!!! And now my friends “You know the rest of the story”
So as we look ahead at another New Year – what exactly can we expect – Well I can tell you what I told my Beta Importer – We have had three bad years with covid and wild fires – BUT we have new plans for Trials in the Okanagan Valley in 2024. – For us Trials is a way of life. One thing that has changed is that we now have a lot more Gals involved ! That is huge boost for our sport..
PSST Don’t forget to click on – we understand Trials
Need a Bike need Info – Need Trials gear ??? You know who to contact. It’s Outlaw Dave.
Finally our quiz question – Who is this rider ?

And Birthday greetings today to Bob Clark of Mountain Motorcycles.