Answer to the Friday quiz – Yours truly Outlaw Dave back in 1994 on a 240 Gasser – we sold a lot of those We even had Outlaw Clothing made in England back then – AND a lot of it is still out there!! – Brett Clark – Stan and a few others got it.
Some may wonder how I ended up with that name – Well when I first started Outlaw Accessories in 1987 – I would answer the phone – Outlaw- – Dave here!! – And that is how I became imfamous.
QUIZ – This is likely one of the best sections ever used in a World Trial. Name the place and the rider PLUS the rider watching.????

Below is Jordi’s Christmas Card – It shows all the kids wishing for a TRS – and of course He has just added a fantastic little 80cc model to the line up – in fact we watched a video posted on FB that shows a young lad practicing on his new bike – check it out if you can – it sounds really different and the stuff he is riding – Well all I can say this might be a lad to watch in the future. – Of course Beta have had two versions of their 80cc bikes out now for many years and these have sold really well. ( in Europe not so much in Canada)

All the small Beta and TRS bikes may be available on a special order basis, so if you have a youngster who would love one of these – give us a call – We hope to have a kids class at the Outlaw Trial in 2024 – now would be a good time to plan ahead. – Remember the kids are the future of our sport. – It doesn’t seem long ago that we gave Kolten Morrison a Beta Evo 200 to ride – and look how well he has progressed. – Of course there have many others – we have helped to get started .
I remember back in 1955 when I got interested in Trials – I was following the events on my new street bike often over very muddy Welsh moors – A local Dad who had two sons riding – took me under his wing ( his name was Charlie Morris) – Soon after I traded my street bike on a James Competition model and Charlie helped me do some mods on it – As they say the rest is history