Answer to the Thursday quiz – Smilin’ Davy Fair !! – an easy one for most as Dave has been around the Motorcycle scene for a lot of years. – First correct was Cam Whiffing from Ontario. followed by Donny Rankin ! – Brett Clark & Bob – then Steve ORorke and Jay Colley & Stan.
How about this wintery pic taken in 1947 in Yorkshire UK – I was 10 years old at that time and remember just how much snow we had, in Wales.
Obviously the most important job was to clear a path to the local pub!!! ( Bet the Lampkin family was in the line up!!)

Another more modern pic from Wales, showing just how beautiful our old home Country is – back then we could ride our Trials bikes just about anywhere – but now the “Green people” have taken over a lot of this.

An interesting pic – shows UK rider Jack Peace taking a “Dab” – However – the checker on this section, would have been watching carefully to see if he did in fact drag his foot -which would have then counted for a “Three” – Of course a lot of top riders, think they can put a foot down and take a five minute break and still claim a “One”
( And they wonder why new people are baffled- Jeepers)

So over the Holiday, I have browsed a number of You Tube videos – most are filmed by amateurs so the content leaves a lot to be desired. – We still have a ton of VHS tapes and DVD’s – which really are well done – Bennett ones are really good. – We also have a number we did when we broke into the video world, which show local Trials. – However, we have given a lot away.
I must confess that I find all the new Hop & Bop World round stuff quite boring – but some of the UK events are still setting up sections as they should be.
So with all this nice mild weather, the question is “Who has been out riding?” and if you have ,why haven’t you sent me pics???? (Grrrr)
Roger has sent me the results of the Boxing day Trial in Victoria, but I’ve not been able to download them yet – my new computer is amazing but refuses to take my commands on some stuff!!!
As most of our fans know – we have now been selling Beta for 30 years – !!!! Yes that’s a long time, and while we do not sell the Enduro bikes any more – we did when Mountain MC were the Importers.
How about these pics of older Beta MX bikes ?

And finally another old Bultaco poster showing Mart Lampkin

QUIZ – Who – where on What??

Birthday Greeting today to Harry McKay from Aviemore Scotland