Mornin’ All – hope everybody is now back to normal after all the festivities? – We were happy to hear from a lot of our family and friends over the holidays, and the lack of snow made it easy for most who travelled.
Below you see a post we saw on FB regarding Adam Raga and just thought I would add that I’m sure everybody wishes him well in his new ventures.
We will just call this post – Rumors and News.
The official presentation of Adam Raga and his new Sherco should not be long in coming, but we are already able to relay some indiscretions that seem reliable to us. We know that the brand new and very innovative Sherco STR released in 2023 is still in development on its injection system and it is said that Adam wants to use a carburetor in the meantime. It is also rumored that Adam’s bike will wear the colors of Red Bull. It is confirmed that Benoit Bincaz will be Adam Raga’s teammate, while rumors send Jeroni Fajardo to Scorpa, he would replace Jorge Casales who still according to other rumors would set up a private team with a TRRS.
Below is a shot taken about half way up the switch backs on our favorite mountain – Yes the difficult pack horse trail starts at the far end of that valley.

Stan took this pic of me on my 75th birthday up high on the mountain – just before we tackled this rocky section ( I was already knackered at this point)

Answer to the last quiz – Old buddy Pete Bustin on his new TRS at Ymir – Stan and Jay Colley were the only guys that got this one – likely because they were with Pete that day!!
Quiz today – Name the rider surrounded by all the young ladies??

Finally a reminder to everybody – we still have some great deals going on 2023 TRS and Beta Trials bikes – but once they’re gone – Well you know the rest of that story.
Birthday Greetings today to Kevin Smith – not sure how old he is. the pic on FB shows him sitting at our kitchen table a few years ago when he visited us with Taff. ( Yes that was a very good night)
