Bit late getting to the blog today – I had quite a busy day yesterday – I had to make a trip to Salmon Arm – so slept in – But again the view from my office window this morning, shows no snow!! While this is great for us in the Valley at least they are getting winter weather up on the mountains.
I see the Toronto Motorcycle Show is on this weekend – followed by similar ones out West, but while in years past, we always attended them – especially in my Yamaha Days – then followed by commentating at Trials demos etc – We have heard that attendance has been down for the last few years, plus of course the covid thing put a stop to all these shows.
If our Trials friends down East – do get to the Toronto show – they will see the happy smiling face of Emily on the Motorcycle Mojo booth – This is a great magazine and while it doesn’t cover very much of the Dirt bike action – at the moment – We enjoy reading all the really good articles – this is also now available on your local book stand or by subscription.
It might be interesting to note that while much of what we read these days, is via the Internet etc – The printed word, either in magazines or books, lasts forever, – as many of you know, we have been doing this daily blog now for over twenty years, but because of a computer glitz late last year, all those files and stories disappeared into cyber space – gone forever.- Yes a sad state of affairs.
As many people know I started in the Printing trade at age 15 – serving as a five year apprentice Photo Engraver. – It was also the beginning of my love affair with Motorcycles, and while it was fantastic getting into competition, I also covered events for the various Newspapers we printed. – However, the very first article that I had published, was a story about my first ( and only) flight in an open air glider. Unfortunately, we never did keep a copy of that great experience.
( However I’m sure it might be in the archives of Woodall’s Newspapers from around 1956)
Without the printed Newspapers and magazines, we would have no record of wonderful Trials photographs like this of a Norman rider traversing a very muddy section.

Interesting perhaps for some of our younger readers to know that there were a ton of British Lightweight Trials bikes built in the 1950’s – most powered by 197cc Villiers engines. – The most popular were BSA, James and Francis Barnett – but small factories also built – Norman, Sun, DMW, Dot, Cotton, Excelsior, plus others I have forgotten.
Answer to the last quiz – Paul Gronow from Vancouver Island – correct guesses by Brett, Bob – and Roger Boothroyd.
Quiz for today – Name this MODEL.
