We hope that most of our readers got out at the weekend either riding or just taking in the fresh air – For this old guy – I’m afraid it was a lazy day, just watching TV – The Super X from Stateside, was on which I found quite interesting – has to be the first MX I’ve watched for years – later while on my computer – I noticed a link to a recent Sammy Miller tape, in which he rides both his NSU and Gilera – not too shabby at age 90 – Sammy followed this up with a tour of all his racing bike collection, simply unbelievable – and also brought back memories for me as I saw Sammy race in the Isle of Man and also saw some of these exotic machines in their prime – including the V8 Moto Guzzi. – I also took another look at that last Sammy Accessory Catalogue and noticed that we were listed as his Canadian Dealer.

This was the center pages of the program we printed up for the Sammy Miller Trial in Alberta many years ago – as mentioned previously we had a Photo Engraved Image of Sammy on the Premier Trophy which I made personally and which was supposed to be an annual award. Unfortunately who ever won it that first year forgot to return it.

Answer to the Sunday quiz – The rider is Spanish star Tino Marin, riding my Beta Evo 200 at a Blackfoot Park Trial. – Not that this was planned – I happened to see Tino while I was lined up at the gate to the Park, and asked him if he was riding – (He was being sponsored by another dealer at that time.) – He said no as they didn’t have a bike for him ! – so I told him I had my 200 demo in the van which he could ride if he wanted to. – As it turned out Tino lost only one point that day and was pretty impressive – most of the other riders were quite surprised when I told them the bike was a 200. – ( Some sharp eyed guys might notice I had an S3 header pipe on this one. – We lost touch with Tino after he moved back East and at last report was flying a Global TV Helicopter .
Jay Colley was once again first in with the correct answer, followed by Brett who got it at his 2nd guess.
QUIZ today – Who is this rider – hint – this pic was taken at an early 70’s Lethbridge Trial – But the rider later moved to Toronto.

This is my new Coffee Cup – a Christmas Present !!