Answer to the Monday quiz – Terry Porter
-Harlow -Jack Chant and Stan -got this one.
It was Terry that I first met when I joined the Calgary Motorcycle Club back in 1969 and he told me that yes the club did hold a few Trials, as did both the Lethbridge and Edmonton clubs. – However, he explained that these were just small events on a farmers field etc.
Terry who was also from the UK, and myself later came up with the idea to put on “English” long distance events out on Crown land South West of Calgary. I also bought Terry’s old Sherpa T as he ordered a new one from Sonic MC in Ontario. –
Because we did not know the area we hooked up with John Jenson, who said he would show us around – and after camping at a spot near Three point creek – We set off up the nearest “Cut line” – laying out suitable sections, for the Club Trial, which was planned for the next day !!! ( Yup stupid or what)
As time went on – we suddenly realized that our “Guide” Mr Jenson, was no longer around – but undeterred, we pressed on, before eventually asking some fishermen, “Where are we ?”, we then figured out we had a problem. -We were lost!! – No longer was a loop feasible, we had to go back the way we came. – I should mention that this was up and down some really BIG hills. –
Unfortunately by this time we were both low on gas, and soon ran out!!! Now what!! – Well we started walking – and walking, eventually reaching our camp spot in the dark. – Luckily there was another club member there with a fire going, and he had a Yamaha DT 175. He was camped out with his grandson, and said we could use it the next morning. ( No sign of John Jensen)
Early (very early) the next day, after a cold sleepless night in our station wagons – we headed out on this Yam, Terry driving and myself on the back clutching a large tin gas can behind me on the rear carrier. – To say that this ride was exciting would be an understatement, as Terry tried to keep the front wheel down on the uphill’s and then both of us bailing off when we hit a “Cross Ditch” going down the next. ( The large gas can went bouncing down the hill like the one in the movie “The Dam busters”.)
Eventually we reached the parked Sherpa T’s and agreed that Terry would ride back to the camp in order to sign up riders who would be arriving soon.- meanwhile – I figured out a way to make a short loop, then returning on the same out route.
As it turned out, we had 47 riders show up for the Trial, and much to my surprise I came out the winner, beating Terry on his old bike.
Below is a pic of Terry ( taken by John Whitby) at the next event we held in that area – yes it was a very wet, snowy day, and one which ended badly for me as I crashed off a big bank after riding the last section, with the (brakeless) Bultaco, landing on me breaking my leg – Of course we didn’t know this at the time, so I rode the bike back to camp standing on one footpeg- but as this happened after the last section – I won the Trial. – ( But not the best way to finish)
We lost touch with him soon after that as he took a job with Air Canada in Toronto, although he did come out to Calgary once more when I loaned him a TY to ride a Trial.
Nobody seems to know what happened to Terry – and as for Mr Jenson – Well he was certainly not on Terry’s popular riders list, after that first debacle.

Quiz for today:
Who are these riders?
