As most people know the not very well kept secret of Adam Raga for 2024 – has now been published we wish him well ( Nice to see his bike will have a carby)

In other Industry news George Casales has jumped ship from Scorpa and will head up a private TRS Team – ( Think his nickname might be “Smiley” – (not)

I saw the pic below posted of the MV Augusta race pits from back in the day, and it reminded me of how times have changed – These days a kid won’t think of going racing anything, unless the parents have a fully decked out Motorhome and they get free bikes.

Still on the road-race theme – below is a pic of a 1950’s Ducati 200 – My buddy had one which he stripped down for racing, and I tried it out at a local airfield – I was pretty impressed and ordered a 125cc version from the local Ducati dealer -Fron Purslow, who was also a World class racer. – However my dreams of road racing got shelved when we had a family tragedy. ( But what a great bike) – They looked even better without the lights and a racing seat fitted – plus a racing exhaust pipe.
After that I lost interest in Trials and bought a Norton 600 Dominator with a race-type fairing – they called it a “Dolphin fairing” back then – I then proceeded to practice road racing around all the narrow lanes in Wales ( obviously way more dangerous than being on the track) – it was soon after that I met the lovely Barbara Jones – and the rest as they say “Is History”

Answer to the last quiz – Turk Perepulkin – Roger Boothroyd and Martin Spriggs. – Bob Clark was quick off the mark with that one – with Roger himself next while Brett got it correct at his second try.
BTW Did you know that Brett has recently been in for a hip replacement? we hope this works out well for him.
QUIZ for Today – Not Trials – but who is this in the sidecar operated by his Dad.?
