Answer to the Sunday Quiz – Andreu Codina – correct guess’s came in from Pete Varey, Stan Bakgaard and Brett Clark.
But who is this rider and what event??

Sorting through some old Trials stuff – I came across this article I did for a local Paper – We hauled a huge trailer full of obstacles down to Apex Mountain for this show – but the Hog riders sure enjoyed it.

Also noticed a few face book posts by Steve Troupe on the first TY Trials bikes Yamaha introduced in 1974 ( I got my first ride on one in October 1973) – Somebody was asking if it would be feasible for Yamaha to make this bike again for the Vintage crowd !! – Well I can tell you for sure – Once a model is discontinued at Yamaha – that is it – final.
The pic below is of the 1975 version which had narrower side-cases and a decent metal bash plate.

Yes they were quite a bit different from the Torquey Bultaco as I soon found out !! They had a Pre-Production unit at the Richmond BC plant for evaluating and I was asked to test it in the back yard area. After a rode it around a bit I pulled the front end up in a wheelie only to have the different power come on so quickly, that I looped it at the back of the building !! luckily nobody saw this as there were no windows in the rear of the building, and as it was raining, nobody came out to watch – and there was no damage to the bike – I had borrowed some Yamaha coveralls – but needed to clean up a bloody elbow from my crash. ( felt like a complete idiot)
However, I was soon familiar and happy riding my demo, and managed to win the first Alberta Trial for the Factory -in 1974 – Strange as it may seem, I have only ever found one pic of me on the TY 250 – You will notice that I replaced the stock low steel bars with the Ape hangers which were popular back then.. -( Mick didn’t like them when he came over to do a demo later that year -) I had quite a lot of success on that 250, until I pretty much totaled it in a Cross Country race at Elkford BC.

Later I rode the new 175 – which became popular ( once we figured out how to get it to run at high altitude) Again I have no pics of me riding my Yamaha Canada bike, but after I left Yamaha, I did later buy a used one which I had supplied the owner with the Sammy Miller one piece gas-tank./seat combo. – Steve Richardsen took this pic of me on that at Stony Plain Alberta.
This bike worked well when I got it set up – notice the lower Renthal bars – plus I had different rear shocks. ) – – ( I also now have a very nice mint 1976 TY175 in the corner of my shop. – rode it around the yard once then parked it)

Just came across this issue of the Yamaha News, which was sent out to all the Yamaha dealers back in the 70’s – I think I might have supplied them with some stuff at that time. Of course I got to know Mick and Jill quite well during my years at Yamaha – wonderful people. Although I didn’t meet Mick until 1974, I did meet his Dad Tom in 1972, when my brother and myself were staying at the Grand Hotel in Fort William for the 1972 Scottish – We shared the same breakfast table and had some great chats.

Looking ahead to the May Long weekend – Yes the plan is to re-introduce the Saturday Vintage Trial, so all you keen twin shock owners, better get busy fettling up those bikes ready AND please make sure they will survive a 15 km loop!! – For this year, we will return to Summerland ( giving Ross a rest) – The dynamic duo of Stan & Steve have offered to do the set up, using much of the old stuff and the neat loop around the “Back 40” – Stay tuned.
I also came across this pic of myself and Terry Porter after the Sammy Miller trial, showing the very nice Photo-Engraved Trophy which we never got back. ( Looking pretty young then)

Also found one of my old Newsletters that I used to mail out once a month, before the age of the blog -some may find this of interest.
