Well another Frosty Tuesday – but it has warmed up a couple of degrees in the Valley – next thing is snow on the way!!
Answer to the last quiz was Martin Spriggs from Vancouver Island riding in the National Trial we hosted in Calgary back in 1971 – now referred to as “The Snow trial” – The usual crew from Western Canada got this one although nobody knew what the event was, except Stan – who checks the blog each day while sitting on the beach in Mexico!!
Today we have a bit of a different puzzle – below you see a beautiful shot of a British “Thumper” But what are the 3 levers you can see on the left side of the handlebar?

Yesterday we showed a bit of the TY History from my days with Yamaha and I couldn’t remember much about riding the 175 – except for early in the year and getting the jetting sorted ready to use it for setting up the FIM World Trial. – Well today I found these results showing I did ride it in at least one Trial, getting beat by buddy Murray Nutt. – Good turn out of riders back then, all riding the same sections.

As posted earlier TRS (Jordi) has promised to put more of the TRS effort into helping get the kids into the sport – The first of these TRS Schools in France, saw a huge turnout of over 100 youngsters all learning and enjoying what Trials riding is all about. Here is a pic of one of the classes. These Schools will be promoted World Wide, by TRS Importers.

In case some of our viewers did not know – We no longer make the Outlaw Toolbelts as our “Bag Lady” retired. – Not that should be a concern for anybody who has one, as they have been well documented as lasting at least 20 years – Yes we sell QUALITY .
( I wonder if Dougie Lampkin still has his?- I know Mick Andrews does)