Well a few people sent in their answers to the Tuesday quiz – but only John Kitchener from the UK correctly listed what the levers on the old British bike were called. – Ignition Advance/Retard – Valve Lifter and of course the clutch. – If you didn’t retard the Ignition and drop the valve lifter at the correct moment while kickstarting – the big Four strokes would never start.
As we have mentioned more than once – The new hop & bop techniques and the Obstacles used in Indoor Circus events these days, leaves little to excite me – but remember way back when – Stan put on what were really good shows on Trials bikes ?? – While this did little to sell bikes even back then – at least people could watch and understand what was going on. – The pics below were both taken at the Home show in Kelowna in 1985. – (Check out that crowd all put on for free by the organizers)

Quiz for today – Name this section ( note the Outlaw Advertising) and at what event was this?

Back in the old days, we always named our sections, ( Still done at the Scottish Six Days) – We have always thought that this added something to the event, especially when riders were talking about the Trial at a later date. – Much easier for somebody to remember – Pete’s Climb -or Rolling Rocks etc – than just a number.
How about perhaps the most famous section in the world “Pipeline”
We have a “Snow day” today – the reports say this will be around for a few days and will of course create chaos on the roads.!! But not for us – we will stay indoors
Latest news from the FIM – They will allow “Stop and Hop” in World Trials in 2024 ( Yawn!)