So winter snow finally arrived – “Big time” and I’m sure for most, except the folk who like winter sports – this will cause a lot of issues.
Fortunately as we are now retired, and only do our Trials Hobby business – Travelling is not something we need to do – we just need to ensure we have enough food etc in store, because we live quite a way out of town.
Brett Clark was first in with the correct answer to the Wednesday quiz – The section ( which we sponsored) is Stanley Falls at Ioco and the pic was taken at the 1990 World Round. – Stan emailed from Mexico, with not only the correct result, but also named most of the riders!!! Impressive. David Brooks also emailed the correct response and says he clicks on the blog every morning. – Thanks to everybody who enjoys this.
This neat pic was posted on FB showing Bernie Schreiber – Amazing that he is the only American to ever win the World Trials Championship, all those years ago. But with the huge costs involved and lack of sales – we wonder how long it’s really viable to call this “World” Championship.

Here is another old pic sent to us by Randy McBee – it shows a group of winners at the Alberta CMA Awards night, back in the day – not sure of the year. – We do recognize Murray Nutt, Ron Harvey, Clark Lang, Zoli Bereny JR – Ross Pederson – but others we don’t remember – the old style hair-clothes etc are interesting!!!

Not surprisingly – the Ladies Trial planned for this weekend at Ioco is cancelled !! However the Gals have a good calendar of events planned for later in the year.
Just for a change of pace yesterday – and as it snowed all day – I clicked onto a You Tube video about Sir Frank Whittle, who designed the first ever British Jet engine – I found this really interesting and both a tribute to British engineering and the Aircraft Industry. It reminded me a bit about how successful the British Motorcycle Industry was, only to go down the tube, because of bad management. ( And Trade Unions)

I think this business card that Stan had back in the day spelled things out very well & covered all aspects of what he did.
Quiz today – Who is this famous rider??
