Sunday January 21st/24

Answer to the Saturday Quiz – Dave Thorpe – top rider from the 70’s then a winner of the Pre 65 Scottish a number of times. Correct answers came in from John Kitchener, – Pete Varey-Brett Clark, Neil Carter – Harlow, & Stan plus Roger Boothroyd – who told us the story of being encouraged by Dave Thorpe at the World Round we put on in 1975.


Could the famous Scottish Six Day Trial be in trouble? – A post on FB has showed a large area around Fort William being considered as a Park.!! – Obviously this is a huge concern – we will watch closely.


Quiz for today – Name the SWM rider !!


Well after the second big snow storm in as many days – we eventually managed to get to the store for groceries – while the main Hiway was clear – our narrow back road was still a challenge. – Katie stopped by for parts and parked up top as our drive was still plugged. – Glad to say the forecast looks better for this week with warmer temperatures. – I wonder if anybody got out riding in he South ?


With all the latest posts being published regarding the new FIM World Round rules – This my opinion >

  1. It makes absolutely no difference to regular club Trials –
  2. Motorcycle sport, along with others, has seen a lot of changes over the years – maybe not so many as the World Trials scene. Plus The FIM need to have more meetings with riders and Factories, before deciding on any new rules.
  3. Riders will enter what ever they wish, in order to either have fun – or just to try it out – in the latter case – we have found that most Newbies who enter their first Trial – are totally out of their depth, or think the sport is easy and they are much better riders, than they are. ( Many have watched too much You Tube)
  4. It is our opinion that Trials events, should be set up by experienced riders, who know the abilities of each class. -and “Keep things Simple” – putting in junior-senior sections that require trick riding, will only end in tears.
  5. Forget what is happening on the World stage – except for entertainment. Plus remember “Nobody gets it right all the time”

There you go five simple rules for enjoying Motorcycle Trials –


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