Only one correct answer to the Wednesday quiz – that from Peter LeGrove in Australia – Rider is Scott Ellis – a very good UK rider who always wore a tattered old cap – which he might have thought brought him luck!!
Name the rider and the location!!! It’s out West so not likely everybody will know this one.

So as the rhyme goes -“Down came the rain – thawed the frozen Lakes again” – Well Swan lake in Vernon is still frozen over, but it certainly didn’t get much this year, certainly not enough for any ice racing. – It is however nice to get the warmer temps and rain – keeping the big snows up top is fine with this old guy – I might even be able to dig my van out !!
Looking ahead to the riding season – It’s great to see Michael Traves still trying his best to make Trials better in Canada – A big shout out to Michael for all his efforts and also to Christie Williams who is involved.
Somebody just posted this pic of our old friend Mick Andrews with a model of the Ossa that he made famous – We haven’t been in touch with Mick for many years — but what I can tell you now – all these years after that first TY – Is that Mick like myself had a very hard time convincing the Yamaha Japanese what was required for the Trials bike of that time – later we talked in Scotland about the new TYZ model – sitting in a hotel lounge with the Japanese rider and his helper. We talked about that new TYZ model – the one the factory guy was riding that week..
Mick always had a very polite way of saying things – and I truly think that he thought the Factory would listen to him on this new model.
Because of what Mick told us that night- Walt and myself ordered five new TYZ models for Canada. – – I think that I have already reported what happened with this bike – but the reason that I mention this in the blog – is because – if factories don’t listen to the top riders and the Trials clubs World wide – they will fail. – Only the introduction of new young riders will show promise – but then again that’s how it always was until “Jordi ” changed the sport forever.

New 2024 Beta Evo – same again with updates!!

Can anybody guess what this day celebrates in Wales?