Saturday January 27th/24

Answer to the Friday Quiz – Debbie Evans riding her TY 175 in the Scottish Six Day Trial. – Pete Varey got in first, followed by Brett, John Kitch and Harlow.- then later Stan – & Jay Colley.

Quiz today Another Scottish pic – But who is this?

Some interesting old results showing Stan at the top – posted by Christie Williams. – Kit is also in there – but I don’t think I ever heard of 3rd class awards – at least not in my day back in the UK. – You will notice that they missed the “G” in Stan’s last name!! Plus added an extra “K”

It’s all go at the TRS Factory – with the production lines going steady.


Glad to say with the yard now free of snow ( at least for the moment) we managed to bring in our first 2024 TRS – yes it has some updates, but looking better than ever – hard to fault the quality. This one is not spoken for as yet – We also have a brand new 2023 Beta Evo 200 in the shop – as most of our readers know – I love the Beta 200 – it fights way above it’s class. – plus we have this at a really good price. – Believe me nobody knows this model better than we do at Outlaw.

It was interesting chatting to Mike our Day & Ross Truck guy – we have got to know him quite well over the years, he has an old KX 250 which our Mechanic Ken has helped him restore. – Today he was telling me about all the chaos at the depot, as the winter driving and road conditions improved – one day nothing in the warehouse – next thing totally swamped. – We are expecting a new Beta Evo 300 Factory 4T – sometime out of New Brunswick, but when we will get it is anybody’s guess. – Naturally we expect our customer to be calling anytime!! – especially as the snow is melting.


Of course the view across the lake towards the Westside still looks pretty wintery. Roy has been in lock down for a while.


I think the Edmonton MC Show is on this weekend – We have good memories of the Trials demos a few years ago – Not sure how these shows are attended these days. The ATRA always had a booth at that one. – We always enjoyed these – looking after the club booth plus doing the commentating at the demo’s.


Just a quick note to say that our email service does not always work for sending messages – these darn computers seem to have a mind of their own. – I must say it’s really annoying for the old guy, when after typing up a long email in a reply to one of our readers, it shows “error” – If you find that we have not replied to a request for info on anything – please phone us at (250) 545-6139 or (250) 308-7307 cell. – Also our messenger seems to work OK.


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