Tuesday June 4th/24

So we got a message from Pat Morrow in Japan – informing us that our last two blog posts were titled MAY – !!!!! now corrected but we sure appreciate our readers checking on the old guy,!!(Doh)


I just saw a post on the late and really great Al Perrett – a good friend for many years and sadly no longer with us. – This pic was taken in 2018 at the Canadian Motorcycle Hall of Fame – I felt a bit out of place with all these famous Motorcycle people. – left to right Al Perrett, Steve Crevier, (me) Stevie Baker and Bob Work.

Looking back at my time in the Motorcycle Industry – I have to say that it’s been like winning the lottery – I have met so many wonderful people and shared so many experiences – yes like my wife Babs says – I should write a book.!!

Of course we have all had our sad moments and below is a pic of myself placing a plaque on the section in Summerland that Peter Brown and myself built a number of years ago. – We only used this a couple of times, and it is now very overgrown with downed trees – but this stump is still there – and Pete cut that down. – I should mention that Pete quite often did not quite understand some of my vision of a true “British Style” Trials section – but he never ,ever questioned or complained – I miss him dearly.

The pic below shows me fixing the memorial plaque to the stump that Pete cut when we built the section.


Not much other news – we expect a shipment of Wulf Boots to arrive today and have other stuff expected for customers – we sure had some heavy rain yesterday in the Valley – all good of course as we experience drought conditions.

I see they had a big Cross Country race in Kamloops last weekend – Glen Labby took the win in his class – we sold him a Beta Evo back a few years. – Local Vernon rider Andrew Christianson finished second.


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