Quiz today – Guess who and what is the bike?

As we have mentioned – this week is TT time in the Isle of Man – and for those that don’t know – it’s called The Tourist Trophy – It began early in the century, when racing on public roads in England was banned – The Isle of Man Government approved the change of venue and so the famous 32.7 mile Circuit was born.
Unlike any other road races, the TT is a race against the clock, as the narrow roads would not allow for a mass start. – For anybody who would like to know more- there are lots of video clips on You Tube these days, but while watching these gives the viewer an idea of what these races are all about, there is absolutely nothing to compare to actually being there on the Island on the first week in June. The sounds – the Speed – nothing like it.
We used to travel over quite a lot when we lived in the UK – the last time was in 1961 when I took Babs along. – the speeds then, were frightening, many would now call them insane – yes there have been many, many fatalities. – check it out and you might get an idea, but you might also wonder why these guys and a few gals do this – one video we watched yesterday was an interview with a sidecar team – the driver was male – and a lady in the “chair” – it reminded me that the first time I went to the Island, a sidecar outfit crashed killing both the driver and the gal in the chair – her name was Inge Stoll from Germany. ( Funny how these things stick in your mind) – We also knew others who died, including one of our local lads from the Oswestry club, his name was Peter Kirkham. – Mad?? yes maybe. – but thousands of fans flock to watch these races in the Ise of Man every year.
Perhaps the most famous name in TT history, is Joey Dunlop from Ireland, he won 26 TT races – then was tragically killed in a small club race in Latvia where he used to go and deliver food to the local kids – few people ever knew about this side of Joey. – We have a very good VHS video of Joey and his buddies growing up and racing in Ireland and the Isle of Man – It’s called “The Road Racers” and yes they all got killed racing.
This week Michael Dunlop – Joey’s nephew, has equaled the 26 TT wins set by his Uncle – Amazing – especially when you consider that his brother was killed road racing in Ireland last year – and his Father also died the same way.
We have always said that if you are a real Motorcycle enthusiast, there are two events you should put on your “Bucket list” – The Scottish Six Day Trial and the TT in the Isle of Man. – Glad to say we made it to these more than once – Magic!!!