Today is the Beta Canada Trial at Ioco – so good luck to Katie and all our other Beta riders. – It also happens to be Babsy and my wedding anniversary – we were married in 1962 so you can work it out!! – As I completely forgot !! I have planned to go riding, with new Trials guy Tim from Salmon arm (Doh) – Guess I will have to take Momma out for supper to make up for my lapse of memory.. What a sweetheart she is putting up with me for all these years!!

Quiz today – Who is this Scrambler??

First report from Andorra today show young George Hemingway has once again won the 125 class on his factory Beta – huge achievement!!! – They had a great turn out for this World round in all classes’ with the Trial 2 class featuring 40 riders. – more news as we see it.
