Well the weather was perfect yesterday if you liked it cooler with rain – I have never minded too much about wet weather riding, having done a lot in the UK – and at least this wet spell is good for the Fire issues we experienced for the last couple of years. However ! for me it was a quiet day – I did fire up the TRS now fitted with the Xtrack kit and rode it around the backyard – in-out the trees etc – nothing fell off, including me, so I put it away.
We have heard that Mike Phillips had a Poker Run organized for Sunday – but no other news, except for the Cross Country race going at Litton BC. We supplied a Beta gear shift lever for a Kamloops rider who couldn’t find one anyplace else. ( Yes we sold a few Enduro Beta’s for Bob back in the day)
Remember that pic we posted as our quiz showing Donald Sutherland on the Motorbike ? Well here is a real pic of a Paratrooper with the Royal Enfield dubbed “The Flying Flea”

Answer to the last quiz – Bernie Schreiber getting a watery “5” but not sure where as it doesn’t say on the caption – although Scotland might be a good bet. quite a few people got this – all the usual bloggers, plus Steve ORorke
Quiz today – something a bit different – What is this bike that the rider has made into a vintage Trials Special?
