Well! we hope you all had a great Canada Day – although it was sure a wet one in the Valley – we didn’t venture far from home and late in the day I watched the Erzberg Rodeo on You Tube – the Go Pro video is awesome and while we know from experience the go pro camera seems to speed things up a tad! those guys were flying. As anybody who has raced Cross Country knows – success comes only to the riders who have ability, but also do not make mistakes.
Trystan Hart did fantastic considering he went down at the first turn. then clawed his way all the way back up to finish 2nd.
Answer to the last quiz – The bike is a Scott Flying Squirrel – my Dad had one before I was born. – Brett and Roger were in quick as was Pete Varey, and John Kitchener.
Our new buddy Tim liked the pic of our TRS Xtrack so much he decided to fit a seat on his Gasser – !!!!!!

Most people know that I have always loved riding in the Mountains and a Trials bike is the answer for this , leaving little trace because of the soft tires and quiet enough not to disturb nature. and yes nimble as a mountain goat.
This is a pic of some riders high up in the Alps.

And another nice Mountain pic – this time of a pretty young lady with her TRS

Quiz today (A modern one) who is this ?
