Greetings to all our American Friends on this special day
The CPTA are hosting this >>
support our TdN team!
Event Details:
Date: July 7
Time: Poker Run starts at 10 AM, followed by a BBQ lunch
Poker Run:
Suitable for: Junior riders and up
Don’t Get Lost: We will have a few members on hand to help navigate the trails for those less familiar with the area.
Route: Enjoy a fun tour of the Ioco trails with 7 checkpoints to collect cards. Best hand wins!
Bonus Spot: Visit the bonus 8th spot for a chance to win a random prize.
Participation: By donation (suggested donation $20)
Top hands will win exciting prizes, as well as bonus location prize
BBQ Lunch:
Free for Poker Run participants.
Non-participants can join the BBQ with a donation to the TdN Team Fund.
Additional Activities:
TdN supporter T-Shirts and 50/50 tickets will be on sale.
Looks like we are in for a hot spell of weather – too hot for us old folks – but also a worry when things are so dry out in the bush.
The answer to our last quiz – Bill Martin a “James” factory rider back in the late 50’s – not surprisingly nobody got this!!.
Quiz today for our Western bloggers Who is this?

Last night we had a surprise birthday party for our daughter at a local Lakeside pb in Vernon and I took this pic showing the hillside across the lake. – When we first moved to Vernon in 1981, there were very few houses on that side – in fact my son and I used to ride out of our backyard all over that area – the large building you see on top of the ridge is the Golf club. How times have changed.
