Friday July 5th/24

Hot Hot Hot – that kinda sums things up for this weekend!! – so with the temperature supposed to be 35 in the Valley on Sunday – We will NOT be out riding – as much as we would like to be.


Answer to the July 4th quiz – that is Ross – on his first Trials bike a shot I took of him when he joined us at Bear Creek to learn the ropes – Brett got it at 2nd guess!!

Quiz today – who is this with the curly hair??


It’s Mick Andrews 80th birthday today so we wish him all the very best, and hope he is still riding. Here is a nice poster from his Yamaha days.


While we are into a hot spell – over in the Scottish Highlands they had snow yesterday.


News from the UK ( No not about the Election) Seems there will be a World Round Trial there in 2025 – Couple of new promotors but experienced Trials guys.




Wyatt Pospisil also has a birthday today !! Have a good one Mate. the pic below showed up on his site for some reason – shows the old guy at the 25th Outlaw Trial and the last one at Summerland.


This isn’t my XTrack – but mine looks exactly the same and if it wasn’t going to be so darned hot this weekend, I could be out taking pics like this!!

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