Answer to the last quiz – Roy Peplow on the Triumph Cub. -Bob Clark was first in followed by brother Brett. and Peter from OZ.
Quiz today – Who is this?

Hot in the Valley, so I stayed indoors with the a/c on – I did watch some video clips various from both Trials and the last Hare Scramble at Lytton. – I even clicked onto the F1 qualifying from Silverstone – interesting to see Mercedes on pole.
It looks like the German World Round was your typical layout of manmade sections – No change in the top result – Bou again but Jorge Casales got 3rd on the TRS so that likely made Jordi happy – George Hemingway (Beta) seems to have his class sewn up with another win and fellow Brit Jack Peace (Sherco) won his class.
Here is a pic of the ladies podium with Emma once again on the top step.

We had a call yesterday from a guy looking for a used Trials bike – he had not had one before and had a limited budget, so this is the advice I gave him – check the advts and if possible buy from a Trials dealer. If you go to see a used bike -make sure YOU can start it more than once. – Check that the fan comes on and goes off – check for loose wheel bearings and rear linkage wear – check tire wear, sprockets and be sure to check the air filter this last item is really important. Also make sure the registration number on the bike and any paperwork Nivis etc are in order. Sometimes a seller posts a pic on line from when the bike was new and a buyer can get a shock if they drive a long way only to find it “Well used”
I also mentioned that if the guy found one and wanted to give us a call we might be able to tell him more especially if the bike has our sticker on it.
I’m sure many of you will have heard or seen the comment made by Clint Eastwood who is now over 90 years old when a reporter asked him how he managed to stay so active at his age- He said “I don’t let the old man in” – and that is the title of this pic that buddy Tim took of me a couple of weeks ago at one of our favorite spots. – Not much we can do about getting old – I sometimes think that it’s the memories of all the crazy things I have done in my life – that makes me laugh and perhaps keeps me going. – At a birthday party for our daughter Helen last week, somebody mentioned about me still riding bikes as if it’s something special – I told him that there are a zillion old guys riding bikes many much older than myself – the fact is I find it easier to ride my bike than walking !! too many old injuries.
