Thursday August1st/24

Hard to believe it’s August already and not much riding, due to the Forest Fires – I see the Alberta Dirty Moose Cross Country has been postponed because of this.

We have been keeping in touch with our friends in the various Fire zones and glad to report so far so good – Julie sent us a long email telling us about the new Local Fire Support crew that has been formed in that area, they have a fully equipped trailer ready to go, and a team of locals who are trained in Fire fighting. – They did have a fire up on Crowfoot Mountain, but the bombers and choppers were on it quick, plus Martin and his crew went to mop up.

No word on our buddies in New Denver, but I see the village is now only on evacuation alert.


Here is a TT racer who likes his Vintage Trials – Ian Duffus on a very nice looking BSA Bantam


Answer to the last quiz – Jim Sandiford – Brett was top of the box. – Stan was right in there as was Pete Varey. and Peter from OZ.

We last saw Jim at the 1992 Scottish when he was standing at the bar having a drink with Malcolm Rathmell – Sad to say he looked very sick and died soon after.


How to wash your Trials bike “NOT” ( check out the lack of a muffler plug and also jet aimed at the airbox)


Anybody watching the Olympics ? ( Maybe to be called the “Cheating games” in the future ?? – Because we have nothing but time on our hands – we have been taking in some events – The swimming and the Women’s Rugby and also the Women’s Soccer. – As we stated earlier – ALL the teams at this level try to skim the rules, so it was good to see the Canadian Soccer gals move on in spite of the penalties. ( We missed out on the brake dancing!!!! (lol). – A few years ago there was talk about Trials being included as a sport, but of course the engine aspect did not fit in.


So it would appear that Pat Smage has won the NATC Trials Championship ( If what has been posted is correct) beating out Brit Toby Martyn – I think this might be poetic justice, as on a personal level, we have never agreed to having Drop in Super star riders taking National Championships.

Here is a neat shot of Pat on the Donner Rocks – I seem to recall a similar section in the 1994 World Round that we attended.


Quiz today – Who is this #5 Grass Tracker?

Footnote – The very first motorcycle race I ever saw as a young school boy, was a local Grass Track – I can still smell the dope that they used in the bikes, mixed with the freshly mown grass on the farmers field.



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