We hope everybody had an enjoyable long weekend – – We got a message and some video from Harry McKay in Scotland – He sent this pic from last May when he helped set up the SSDT – He told us he bought the Vertigo as they were going cheap and usually rides his Fantic in Vintage Trials. ( Harry has been a Beta rider for many years & that is what his kids ride)

Here is a pic I took of Harry when he was living over here in the Okanagan.

Answer to the last quiz – Len Hutty a well known Southern UK rider – our late buddy Adrian Brown knew him quite well. – This was a toughie, but Brett was in early with the correct response – Peter LeGrove from OZ also got it – says he knew Len and rode a few Trials with him back in the day before he emigrated to OZ.
Quiz today – Who is this? (Another toughie) easier if you followed road racing in the 1950’s.

With Forest Fires popping up everywhere, it’s a very stressful summer so far – our hearts go out to the poor people who are in a evacuation zone. Of course all this hot weather and not being able to get out leaves us a bit uptight – and not much happening regarding bike sales. ( But if you are interested – now would be a good time to buy as we have some really great discounts)
UPDATE – Here is a pic somebody just post from near Yankee Flats where we often ride. – Plus there is another fire burning near Armstrong ( just up the road from us)

Now how nice would this be on a very hot day !! Bernie Schreiber practicing a water section back when he rode World Championship events – (pic by Len weed) That would have been helpful for when he rode the Scottish.

Although we don’t have any “Road” Trials in Canada, it is perhaps a good time to remind folk that these days there are a ton of other people using the Forestry roads – and many are quads and side by sides with no consideration for bikes which might be coming in the opposite direction, especially on long weekends.

If you are able to get out into the forestry – don’t forget to spend time smelling the wild flowers.!! This shot is near Banff Alberta.

Here’s a pic of Katie on the dry rocks at Donner Ski Resort USA at the NATC National – she did well with two podiums.
