Answer to the Saturday quiz – George Fisher on the rigid framed Francis Barnett – pic taken at the Scottish Six Day Trial in the 1950’s Peter LeGrove from OZ was the only correct answer – Brett thought it might be Joe Bloggs !!!!
Quiz today who is this? Another great pic by Deryk Wylde – The section is Laggan Locks in the Scottish Six Day Trial

Below is a pic of our local Motorcycle shop on opening day 1953 – that is me looking through the window on the left wearing a raincoat- The Lady was some local politician at that time and the owner on the far right Roy Evans who finished 3rd in the Senior TT one year. – I remember quite a few well known racers were there that day.

The pic below was sent to me by the son of an old riding buddy from the 1950’s – it shows the shop now a “Pizza joint” I’m sure a lot of my friends from that era would be turning over in their grave if they saw that. – including the head mechanic Don Morris.

Still lots of new fires popping up – I see they now have one near Oliver in the South – Glad to hear the one near Armstrong is getting under control. – The Skimmers have now been sent to work on a fire near Whistler Also new one up near Valemount.
Hats off to all our brave Fire Fighters.

Steve Richardson has a birthday today – here he is third from left at an Indian Graves Trial many years ago – (I am second from right)