Answer to the last quiz – Lee Marvin and Keenan Wynn – Bob Clark was first in but a few others also got it. The story goes that Steve McQueen was out in the desert one day, and saw these guys trying to hill climb, so he went over to chat – it was Keenan Wynne and others – McQueen got hooked on bikes that day.
Quiz today who is the rider in the blue jacket and who is the CMA guy?

Not a lot to report today – seems like quite a bit of smoke in the Valley, but no reports of any new fires .
We have mentioned before how most Trials bikes get used for other things rather than competition – Well local guy Max Lang uses his TRS bikes for work, – they get up high in the Mountains to work on fire prevention – spots difficult to get to. – he sent me a pic of their camp.

Here is a pic of Sammy Miller taking a rare “Dab” – but is he out of the section? -Remember in Trials the rider is IN the section when the FRONT axle is past the IN cards and out of the section when the FRONT axle is past the ends cards.
It’s for this reason that we always took great care when placing the Out cards in sections we plotted – making sure they were in a spot where the checker did not struggle with marking. – I’m sure Sammy would have disputed that one.

Here is an interesting Beta Advt from 40 years ago.

Below is a report from Michael Traves.
Happy Trials Tuesday
It is so great to see more trials events filling up the calendar as the end of summer starts to get close.
I am not sure if everyone saw the video post from the SOCT event in Ontario last weekend. The owner of the camp for deaf kids that was hosting the event was talking about his desire to give every kid the opportunity to ride a dirt bike! I just found that to be very special. He obviously really knows how much joy being on a bike in the woods can bring to a person and just want others to experience it for themselves. The fact that the Trial event was able to raise $12,000 to send 23 kids to camp is just truly amazing! The more we can do to support clubs across the country to grow Trials as a sport and recreational activity the better IMO.
We also have the combined ATA and ATAQ event coming up this weekend which will for sure be a well attended event.
On the TdN front the team is getting into the finer logistics as far as what gear they need in the pits, who is bringing what, who needs what out on the loop… etc. They were able to get a pretty sweet prize package together with the grand prize being 10 remote coaching sessions for the lucky winner. We are also happy to be adding more prizes as people are willing to donate to the team. Be sure to spread the word as the team really needs our support to represent Canada on the international stage… who knows maybe the FIM will make another bid to have Trials become an Olympic sport one day 😊.