Answer to the last quiz – The rider -Yrjo Vesterinen- CMA guy Gerry Marshal – guy in white cap – Me – long before I became Outlaw Dave – The event was the very first Canadian FIM World Round back in 1975 at Bragg Creek Alberta. –
Quiz today – Guess who!!

A memory from years ago – We went on a trip to a Mountain lake near Elko with Jimmy and a bunch of his friends – on route we came across this water hole on the trail – all the front guys watered out!! -Steve Richardsen and myself found a spot only a few feet downstream where we crossed without incident. – In the pic – you see the other guys trying to get their bikes going – nobody!! had a spark plug wrench!!!! -a couple of lessons learned for some that day.

While it’s nice to see more lady riders getting involved in Trials – lets remember that there have been a lot who were very good at all aspects of the sport in bygone days. – Here is one.

We often talk about how old Trials sections featured more natural terrain – well here is one very steep climb in Alberta from the early 70’s – no problem for me as I’m on the 325 Bultaco Sherpa T – the best bike I had before joining Yamaha ( I should have kept it)

We have owned a lot of different bikes in our time – but one that we always thought was the best “Looker” was the BSA Goldstar – seen here in “Clubman’s” trim. – Very popular it could be bought either in Trials, Scrambles or road racing set up. – We never did buy one – got Norton’s instead.

Just came across this old pic of UK rider Andy Huddleston trying out our TRS 125 in the backyard, while on a visit with his family – his youngster is watching!! Andy -who is now a Chief Police Inspector in the UK was a former member of the Hamilton Yamaha Team – we saw him competing at the UK World round in 1995. ( great rider)

Here’s a pic you won’t see often – if ever – A Beta Trials bike on top of Silver Star Mountain Ski Resort. – A few years ago Andrew Christiansen approached us to consider hosting a Trial on the Mountain along with the big Enduro X and Cross Country Race they were promoting. – We took along some Trials bikes and rode up the Mountain Bike trails to the top, while I would check out various locations for sections etc – It was a great day, and a great concept – I visualized an event where spectators could ride up on the gondola to view sections in a fantastic setting. – However, after much consideration and soul searching, I had to cancel the idea – as there would have been just too much going on that day with all the Enduro bikes. ( Now they have shut down any motorcycle activity on the mountain)

Of course the best Mountain we ever climbed on a Trials bike was Joss – following the old pack horse trail from 1920. – We did this eight times, the last time with Stan on my 75th birthday – but it has now been closed to Motorcycles and the Mountain bikers have been grooming it to make it easier.
Roger Boothroyd just sent me this pic that I took of David Gronow at the start -in 2008 – showing that even back then, the writing was on the wall for Trials bikes. ( Hiking trail)

Here is his brother Paul at the lookout the same day.
