If Social media is good for one thing, it’s keeping records, and reminds us of events from the past – yesterday it popped up to show that on this weekend one year ago, we had a visit from an old customer who lives in Manitoba – he was out touring on his KTM. – Also on the day two years ago Steve Doel picked up his new TRS and local lad Mike bought his used Beta Factory. – Ah yes – these memories could be forgotten so easily.
Answer to the Saturday quiz – Tim Gibbes the talented Kiwi who did well racing in Europe and as mentioned also had a bit part in the “Great Escape ” movie. – Only correct answer from Pete LeGrove who lives in OZ. ( A couple of wrong answers from our regulars)
Quiz today – Who on what bike?

Hard to believe, but this is a pic taken in August up on Joss Mountain – As you can see lots of snow, in fact deep drifts to negotiate in places – Our guide from those early days told us that there was about a 2-3 week window for reaching the Summit, between weather systems and big storms. ( As we did it 8 times we can tell you he was correct) – Looks like I’m putting extra gas in the Beta Rev 3 so this would likely have been around 2004-5. – I’m looking ahead, no doubt wondering what conditions would be like higher up the mountain.

As many will have seen posted – there have been some changes at the top of Motorcycle Industry as it pertains to the sport and this has caused a split with the long running Hall of Fame organization. They are now asking for donations in order to keep this going.

The pic of the CanAm brought back memories, as these were quite the “Rocket ship” back in 1975-76 – I had a ride on one to pass on info to the Yamaha Race Team (Bob work) – I reported that they were super fast, but tended to go sideways if you gave them a big handful of throttle.
With cooler weather and the rain we had, I had hoped to go riding today, but unfortunately it’s not going to happen.