Answer to the last quiz – Martin Lampkin, Malcolm Rathmell and Mick Andrews – checking out a watery line at the 1979 FIM Trial in Alberta. UPDATE Pic was at the 1979 trial – Stan checked.
Brett was first in as usual, but he confessed that he had a bit of an advantage as he was spectating at that spot with his Dad, when the pic was taken!! Bob and Pete Varey also got it as did Roger from Victoria.
Quiz today – Guess who!

We had a surprise visit yesterday by the guy in the pic below, which was taken at the 1983 ISDE in Wales. – That was a long time ago, and I failed to recognize him – until he told me his name Bernie Graffunder, he was passing through with his wife. – Bernie was on our Yamaha Team. – We talked for about two hours recalling all the events from the past . – Not that Bernie has changed much – just put on a bit of weight – but it was so good to see him, we could have talked for ever, as one story followed another. Bernie is now retired and lives in Clearwater BC. He still rides for fun and seems to be quite fit. – Both his sons raced for many years as well. – It’s also his birthday today – so Happy birthday Bernie.

Below is the Weekly Newsletter by Michael Traves.
Happy Trials Tuesday
Looks like the ATA – ATAQ event was a great success! and a huge Congrats to Kevin for being on the top box both days with a field of 5 (past and present) Canadian TdN team members in the expert class.
Very happy to report that all of the flights are now booked for the TdN team and by booking the flights earlier and having 2 less support people this year we have been able to reduce our cost by about $4,500 compared to last year.
Most of the team will be heading to Spain in 3 weeks to take in the Trial GP World Championship final event of the season. They will also be picking up their bikes at that event so they can get a week of practice in before the TDN the following weekend. The team will have a few days of practice at the Pasquet Training centre in Spain which many Canadian trials riders are familiar with from the trip videos posted by the Moto Trials Group of Alberta (MTGA). It should be noted that funds raised by the team are only being used for expenses in Spain from the 2 days before the TDN until the Monday after the event all other expenses are covered by the team members themselves.
Locally – this weekend NSORRA had their Women in Moto event to support and encourage women getting out to enjoy dirt biking. The event saw over 50 women riders out and the NSORRA Maritime Trials riders had a few Trials bikes there to demo and let the women give Trials a try.
Keep your feet on the pegs
What is the Ute Cup?
If not familiar, the Ute Cup is a unique two-day trials event hosted in the alpine terrain of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. It features an epic loop trail sometimes more than 25 miles – usually parts of the loop go above treeline (11,000-12,000 feet of elevation). Sections do not contain splits/gates – all competitors ride the same line following the tape. The difficulty may be described as upper-intermediate to advanced (depending upon one’s local club class designations).
Won this year by a Beta rider – Ryon Young finished 3rd in a low scoring fun event.
