Answer to the last quiz – Fred Michaud !!! nobody got that one.
Quiz today – Most will recognize myself on the right – but who am i shaking hands with??

Here is a good shot of Dougie with his lad Alfie – who did well last week grabbing a 3rd place spot at the British Championship Trial

We don’t see too many sections like this anymore -at least not at the World level – another great pic by Deryk Wylde.

Here is a flashback to when we had a display at the Edmonton Motorcycle Show must have been in 1994 – the bikes are balanced on a couple of the fold out ATV loading ramps we used to sell all over Western Canada and built in Kamloops by our buddy Jim Small.
The banner is the original Optimol one, before Interlube USA changed the name to just “Opti” -( This was ordered by the German Factory – not sure why as it has always been the same stuff – just manufactured over here now using the top secret formula)

Not sure if we posted this before – and don’t recall any results.
