Answer to the last quiz – Rob Edwards – correct answers from John Kitchener and Harlow
Quiz today – Guess who

Results from Ontario

Here is a pic of the 2025 Beta Evo 4T – we don’t know who the rider is.

And here are a couple of TRS beauties.

Below is the report from Michael in NS
Happy Trials Tuesday
I want to send a huge Thank You to the clubs in Canada again this week the, ATA / ATAQ event the weekend before last raised an additional $610 towards the TdN teams travel expenses. This brings the current total to $28k with a month left to raise the remaining $7k to hit our $35k budget to cover the teams travel costs this year.
I was a little disappointed to hear from MOTO CANADA this week that they have once again decided that they are unable to help fund the team this year but might consider funding it in the future. They did fund the team $5,000 in 2021 which was a huge help to get our TdN effort revitalized. I should note for anyone not aware that MOTO CANADA is doing a great job at funding all of the Provincial dirt bike organizations across the country and have been for the last 15 years or so which is a huge benefit to all dirt bikers in Canada. Based on that MOTO CAANDA does suggest going to the Provincial organizations for funding… but where this is a National Initiative it makes it a bit difficult for us. I am sure if Nova Scotia had a team going to an international event that NSORRA would be quick to support it but it is harder to ask NSORRA for funds when nobody on the team is traveling from NS… We certainly respect MOTO CANADA’s decision and look forward to continuing our efforts with them to support Motorcycling in Canada.
On the Nationals front I hear that there is a group of riders in Ontario planning on taking a bunch of bikes to BC for the Nationals event this year great to see this sort of planning under way.
On the local front a few of us are also thinking very hard about going to the Nationals again this year the biggest issue will be arranging bikes for the weekend but if we can swing that it would be an amazing opportunity to ride what will undoubtably be an amazing National event in BC !!!
Keep your feet on the pegs